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The Clarens - November 2023 - Newsletter

The Clarens - November 2023 - Newsletter

Dear Member


During the scorching month of November 2023, we saw 788 rounds of golf played under these unfamiliar weather conditions.

 December 2023 Calendar


Greenkeepers Report


With little rain extra irrigation needed to be done in order to keep the course green. All the areas of the golf course received much attention with regards to moisture levels. The greens needed special treatment such as verticutting in order to keep them in their current condition. Clarens experienced 201mm less rain than November 2022.

Casual labour was brought in to remove unwanted vegetation and weeds on the golf course, which will promote better grass coverage and a more appealing golf course.

The fairway’s are not being cut as short as normal, with this we aim to achieve a better kikuyu coverage. A lot of brush cutting and trimming took place on the course, which work has been complimented with the newly painted penalty stakes as well as the penalty area lines that have been painted. Tee Boxes are being levelled and we believe that they will recover speedily. There has been some irrigation repairs that needed to be done on the 15th fairway.

We also experienced many gusts of wind during November, unfortunately a few trees and branches lost the battle against mother nature, these broken limbs have been cut up and removed.


Rainfall Calendar


Annual Members Meeting (09 February 2024)


We would like to invite all members to attend our first Annual Members Meeting on Friday the 9th of February 2024. The meeting will commence at 17:30 after prizegiving. We would like to receive feedback from the members with regards to any topic revolving around the club and/or your golfing experience. The agenda will be sent out closer to the time, however we would like to encourage every member to send your desired agenda points to Heindrich Dyer at: by latest Monday the 5th of February 2024.  

For our country members and the members that are unable to attend the meeting in person, we would like to invite you via a Teams link. This communication will also be sent out closer to the time.


Caledon Cup (14 January 2024)

Dear member, we would like to invite you take part in the inaugural Caledon Cup, hosted here at your home club on Sunday the 14th of January 2024.

The defending club is Reitz Country Club.

The aim of the day is to get the other clubs of the wider Free State region together for a single event to kickstart the new year and furthermore build good relationships between the participating clubs.


The Caledon Cup Format is as follows: 18 Holes of Single Stableford. Each club’s score will be calculated by adding the four best individual points played by their members. (E.g. 30 + 36 + 37 + 40 + 41 = 154) Therefore the more players a club enters, the higher their chances are to ultimately lift the Caledon Cup.


Registration on the day will start at 08:00, with tee off times starting from 09:30


All Clarens Members taking part will receive their green fees on the house.

Entries Close on Friday the 12th of January 2024.


For any further queries please contact Heindrich Dyer at or (072) 247-1376


Match Play


Singles Match Play

Defending Champion 2022: Janice Brownlee

Cup Division Finals

Pool A Champion: Rob Silcock 4 Points (C/O)

Pool B Champion: Pieter Boshoff 4 Points

Plate Division Finals

Pool A Player: Kevin Jordaan 4 Points

Pool B Player: Wouter De Wet 3 Points


Better Ball Match Play

Defending Champions 2022: Rudolph Labuschagne & Heindrich Dyer

Cup Division Finals

Pool A Champions: Lourens De Jager & Pieter Boshoff 2 Points (C/O)

Pool B Champions Otto Wachner & Albert Smit 2 Points (C/O)

Plate Division Finals

Pool A Players: Leon Matthee & Willem Fourie 2 Points (C/O)

Pool B Players: Rob Silcock & Wouter De Wet 2 Points (C/O)


All Match Play Finals will be played during the calendar month of December 2023


Weekly Competition Results


Wednesday 01 November 2023

Business League Round 10

First Place – Team Callaway

Second Place – Team Fore Horseman

Third Place – Team Management Mambas


Friday 03 November 2023

Amadeus Meat Competition

  • No competition took place


Wednesday 08 November 2023

18 Holes Wednesday Competition

First Place – Evert Potgieter

Second Place – Steve Oliver


Friday 10 November 2023

Amadeus Meat Competition

First Place – Kevin Jordaan

Second Place – Rob Silcock


Wednesday 15 November 2023

18 Holes Wednesday Competition

First Place – Mark Horton

Second Place – Wouter De Wet


Friday 17 November 2023

Amadeus Meat Competition

First Place – Rob Silcock

Second Place – Steve Oliver


Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wednesday 18 Holes Competition

First Place – Arend Gagiano

Second Place – Nico Odendaal


Friday 24 November 2023

Amadeus Meat Competition

First Place – Rob Silcock

Second Place – Janice Brownlee


Wednesday 29 November 2023

KWV Thirsty Thousand

First Place – Jan Rossouw

Second Place – Rob Silcock

Third Place – Janice Brownlee


Business League 2023 2 Club Awards


During the 2023 Business League season (89) 2 Clubs have been recorded.

Raymond Provis had the most 2 clubs during the year with five in total. March: 17th Hole / April: 5th Hole / September: 5th & 17th Hole / October: 17th Hole. Raymond is the only player to have made more than 1 2 club on the 17th hole.

Heindrich Dyer (Professional) achieved the second most 2 clubs with a total of four. May: 14th Hole / July: 5th & 14th Hole / October: 14th Hole. Heindrich was the only player to have made more then two 2 clubs on the 14th hole.

Hannelie Beukes, Jan-Carel Russow (Professional), Thys Schoeman Jnr. and Wouter De Wet all achieved three 2 clubs during the season.  

No player was able to make a 2 club on all four par 3’s.


2 Clubs on par 4’s

Meyer Meintjies made an eagle two on the 1st hole during the 2nd round of Business League in March.

Leon Matthee made his contribution a month later when he made his eagle two on the 4th hole during the third round in April, this was his first 2 club of the season, he made two 2 clubs during the year.

Neil Mann made sure that he joined the eagle two club when he made his 2club on the 2nd hole in August 2023.


No surprise that the 7th hole produced the most 2 clubs, (31) 2 clubs were made. The 5th hole had 21, the 14th saw 19 and the elevated 17th hole produced the least 2 clubs with only 15.

Rules for the month

In the October 2023 Newsletter we covered Rule 6.1 to 6.3.


6.4 Order of Play When Playing Hole

Purpose of Rule.

Rule 6.4 covers the order of play throughout a hole. The order of play from the teeing area depends on who has the honour, and after that is based on which ball is farthest from the hole.

  • In Match Play, the order of play is fundamental; if a player plays out of turn, the opponent may cancel that stroke and make the player play again.
  • In Stroke Play, there is no penalty for playing out of turn, and players are both allowed and encouraged to play “ready golf” – that is, to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way.


6.4a Match Play

  1. Order of Play. The Player and opponent must play in this order:
  • Starting First Hole.
    • At the first hole, the honour is decided by the order of the draw set by the Committee or, if there is no draw, by agreement or by using a random method (such as tossing a coin).
  • Starting All Other Holes.
    • The Player who wins a hole has the honour at the next teeing area.
    • If the hole was tied, the player with the honour at the previous teeing area keeps it.
    • If a player makes a timely ruling request (see Rule 20.1b) that has not yet been decided by the Committee and could affect who has the honour on the next hole, the honour is decided by agreement or by using a random method.
  1. Opponent May Cancel Player’s Stroke Made Out of Turn. If the player plays when it was the opponent’s turn, there is no penalty but the opponent may cancel the stroke:
  • This must be done promptly and before either player makes another stroke. When the opponent cancels the stroke, they cannot withdraw the cancellation.
  • If the opponent cancels the stroke, the player must, when it is their turn to play, play a ball from where that stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).
  • If the opponent does not cancel the stroke, the stroke counts and the ball is in play and must be played as it lies.

Exception – Playing Out of Turn by Agreement to Save Time: To SAVE Time:

  • The player may invite the opponent to play out of turn or may agree to the opponent’s request t play out of turn.
  • If the opponent then makes the stroke out of turn, the player has given up the right to cancel the stroke.


6.4b Stoke Play

  1. Normal Order of Play.
  • Starting First Hole.
    • The honour at the first teeing area is decided by the order of the draw set by the Committee or, if there is o draw, by agreement or by using a random method (such as tossing a coin).
  • Starting All Other Holes.
    • The player in the group with the lowest gross score at a hole has the honour at the next teeing area; the player with the second lowest gross score should play next; and so on.
    • If two or more players have the same score on a hole, they should play in the same order as at the previous teeing area.
    • The honour is based on gross scores, even in a handicap competition.
  • After All Players Have Started a Hole.
    • The Ball farthest from the hole should be played first.
    • If two or more balls are the same distance from the hole or their relative distance are not known, the ball to be played first should be decided by agreement or by using a random method.

There is no penalty if a player plays out of turn, except if that if two or more players agree to play out of turn to give one of them an advantage and one of them then plays out of turn, each player who made the agreement hets the general penalty (two penalty strokes).

  1. Playing Out of Turn in a Safe and Responsible Way (“Ready Golf”). Players are both allowed and encouraged to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way, such as when:
  • Two or more players agree to do so for convenience or to save time,
  • A player’s ball come to rest a very short distance from the hole and the player wishes to hole out, or  
  • An individual player is ready and able to play before another player whose turn it is to play under the normal order of play in (1), so long as in playing out of turn the player does not endanger, distract or interfere with any other player.

But if the player whose turn it is to play under (1) is ready and able to play and indicates that they want to play first, other players should generally wait until that player has played.

A player should not play out of turn to gain an advantage over other players.


6.4c When Player Will Play Provisional Ball or Another Ball from Teeing Area

The order of play in this case is for all other players in the group to make their first stroke on the hole before the player plays the provisional ball or another ball from the teeing area.

If more than one player will play a provisional ball or another ball from the teeing area, the order of play is the same order as before.  

For a provisional ball or another ball played out of turn, see Rules 6.4a(2) and 6.4b


6.4d When Player Takes Relief or Will Play Provisional Ball from Anywhere Except Teeing Area

The order of play under Rule 6.4a(1) ad 6.4b(1) in these two cases is:

  1. Taking Relief to Play Ball from a Different Place Than Where It Lies.
  • When Player Becomes Aware That They Are Required to Take Stroke-and-Distance Relief.
    • The Player’s order of play is based on the spot where their previous stroke was made.
  • When Player Has Choice to Play Ball as It Lies or Take Relief.
    • The Player’s order of play is based on the spot where the original ball lies (which if not known must be estimated) (see Rule 14.2).
    • This applies even when the player has already decided to take stroke-and-distance relief or to take relief to play from a different place than where the original ball lies (such as when the original ball is in a penalty area or will be treated as unplayable).
  1. Playing Provisional Ball.
  • The order of play is for the player to play the provisional ball right after making the previous stroke and before anyone else plays a ball, except:
    • When starting a hole from the teeing area (see Rule 6.4c), or
    • When the players waits before deciding to play a provisional ball (in which case the player’s order of play, once they have decided to play a provisional ball, is based on the spot where the previous stroke was made).


6.5 Complete Play of a Hole

A player has completed a hole:

  • In Match Play, when:
    • The player holes out or the player’s next stroke is conceded, or
    • The result of the hole is decided (such as when the opponent concedes the hole, the opponent’s score for the hole is lower than the player possibly could make or the players opponent gets the general penalty (loss of hole)).
  • In Stroke Play, when the player holes out under Rule 3.3c

If a player does not know that have completed a hole and attempts to continue play of the hole, the player’s further play is not considered to be practice nor do they get a penalty for playing another ball, including a wrong ball.

See Rules 21.1b(1), 21.2b(1), 21.3b(1) and 23.3c (When a player has completed a hole in other forms of stoke play or in a Four-ball).


HNA News

“Dear Golfer

The following is a recent announcement by the R&A and the USGA, concerning changes to the Rules of Handicapping, which will be introduced on the 1st January 2024.

The R&A and the USGA recently announced the first update to the World Handicap System™ (WHS™) as part of an ongoing review of the Rules of Handicapping™ and Course Rating System™ with a continued emphasis on accuracy, consistency and equity. The latest revisions will go into effect from 1 January 2024.

Further guidance on the implementation of these rules, by Golf RSA and HNA, will be communicated later this month.

Many countries have seen significant increases in the number of scores being submitted for handicapping purposes since the WHS was introduced, which reflects golf’s broadening appeal.

More than 100 million scores are posted each year, unifying millions of golfers through a standard measure of playing ability.

The 2024 update leverages the performance data gathered from around the world, in addition to feedback received from many of the 125 countries now using the system. Significant updates to the WHS include:

Inclusion of Shorter-Length Golf Courses Within the Course Rating System: 
The overall length requirements for Course Rating in the WHS will be significantly reduced. A set of tees on an 18-hole course may be as short as 1,370 metres to be eligible for a Course Rating and Slope Rating®, and a set of tees on a 9-hole course may be as short as 685 metres. This change is intended to expand the WHS to thousands of shorter length courses, including par-3 courses, and enable more golfers to obtain and use a Handicap Index.

Use of an Expected Score for a Hole Not Played: 
Improvements have been made to the method used to handle holes not played, which will now be based on a player’s expected score rather than a score of net par. This new method will produce a 9-hole or 18-hole Score Differential that more accurately reflects a player’s ability. As golfers across the world are playing more 9-hole rounds, an expected score can also be used to convert a 9-hole round into an 18-hole Score Differential.

Playing Conditions Calculation Adjustments Made More Frequent: 
The Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC) has been modified to increase the likelihood of an adjustment for abnormal playing conditions. National associations were given discretion, beginning in July 2022, to introduce this revision within their computation platforms, which will be complete by 1 April 2024.

Enhanced Guidance on Conducting a Handicap Review: 
The role of the Handicap Committee is vital to the success of the WHS and the Rules recommend that a Handicap Review is conducted regularly, or at least once a year to ensure a Handicap Index® remains reflective of a player’s ability. New reporting tools have been developed that national associations can incorporate into their handicapping software to assist Committees in conducting the review process effectively and consistently.

Claire Bates, Director – Handicapping at The R&A said, “We have made good progress in the early stages of WHS but we know there are always areas that can be improved as we gather more data and information on the system from around the world. Conducting a regular review process is important in terms of good governance and enables us to examine some of the key areas in which we have received feedback. We will continue to work with the handicapping bodies and national associations around the world to ensure that the WHS is providing golfers with a system that provides a sensible balance between inclusivity and integrity, making it as easy as possible to get a Handicap Index, subject to meaningful safeguards.”

Steve Edmondson, Managing Director – Handicapping & Course Rating at the USGA said, “The game of golf continues to evolve and the WHS has embraced those changes in a dynamic way to help all golfers, everywhere they play. It is a monumental time in golf, and improving both the accessibility of obtaining a Handicap Index and leveraging powerful data and technology to easily and accurately track performance is a great step forward.”

The R&A and the USGA jointly launched and govern the WHS to provide a modern and responsive system, that gives an accurate reflection of a player’s demonstrated ability.

It is calculated by incorporating the Rules of Handicapping and the Course Rating System, and is administered by a range of handicapping bodies and national associations around the world.

The more flexible and accessible nature of the system, has led to the introduction of successful initiatives from a number of national associations aimed at making it easier to obtain a Handicap Index and be part of the WHS.

Mirroring the review processes of other areas of governance in golf, including the Rules of Golf and the Rules of Amateur Status, reviews of the WHS will continue to be conducted at regular intervals, taking into consideration performance data and feedback to help identify areas for improvement.

To learn more about the World Handicap System please visit -” Handicap Network Africa



Kind Regards

Heindrich Dyer

Golf Director

URL:         |          Email:         |       Tel:  +27 58 256 1270




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